Health & Safety Policy
1. Scope of the Policy
This policy is enacted by the Management Team of Revolution to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all staff, members, visitors, and learners involved in activities. It highlights:
- The commitment to providing safe equipment and procedures.
- The responsibility to consider the health and safety of visitors and any other persons affected by the activities.
2. Broad Goals
- Integrate health and safety into all activities, ensuring it aligns with educational and operational needs.
- Encourage and cooperate with trade unions to appoint safety representatives as per the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
- Conduct annual reviews of the policy to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
3. General Responsibilities
- Senior Team: Manages overall health and safety policies, including necessary training provisions.
- Provision Manager: Holds day-to-day executive responsibility for health and safety.
- Health and Safety Liaison Officer: Coordinates statutory procedures and keeps policy documents current.
- Staff Members: Ensure that health and safety procedures are implemented in their respective areas and report any concerns to the Provision Manager.
- Revolution Learning Staff: Responsible for the general condition of premises and addressing any health and safety hazards.
4. Specific Hazards/Designated Duties
- Fire Precautions: Managed by the Provision Manager, including regular fire drills and emergency protocols.
- First Aid: Maintain an updated list of trained First Aiders and ensure first aid kits are stocked and accessible.
- Accident and Ill Health Reporting: The First Aider ensures all accidents are recorded and reported as necessary.
- Equipment and Electrical Testing: Users are responsible for regular inspections; the Provision Manager handles major repairs or replacements.
- Hazardous Substances: Ensure compliance with COSHH regulations before any hazardous substances are used.
- Visitors: Log all visitor entries and exits as managed by designated volunteers.
- Contractors: Liaise with Luton Borough Council’s Property Services Division or manage directly if commissioned by the provision.
- Visits: Assess risks for each visit, ensuring that first aid provisions and safety instructions are clear.
5. General Procedures
- Induction Training: Provide comprehensive health and safety training for all new staff and volunteers.
- Educational Visits: Follow local authority guidelines to ensure safety during school visits, including detailed action plans and risk assessments.
- Personal Protective Equipment: Follow LEA guidelines to provide and maintain necessary personal protective equipment.
- Medicines: Manage prescription medicines for children strictly under parental guidance and competent supervision.
6. Sources of Further Advice on Health and Safety Matters
- Seek advice from specialized health and safety or occupational health units for matters beyond the provision’s expertise.
Additional Reference
- Revolution RIDDOR Reporting Policy: Refer to this policy for reporting serious accidents and incidents.
Health & Safety Policy
1. Scope of the Policy
This policy is enacted by the Management Team of Revolution to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all staff, members, visitors, and learners involved in activities. It highlights:
- The commitment to providing safe equipment and procedures.
- The responsibility to consider the health and safety of visitors and any other persons affected by the activities.
2. Broad Goals
- Integrate health and safety into all activities, ensuring it aligns with educational and operational needs.
- Encourage and cooperate with trade unions to appoint safety representatives as per the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
- Conduct annual reviews of the policy to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
3. General Responsibilities
- Senior Team: Manages overall health and safety policies, including necessary training provisions.
- Provision Manager: Holds day-to-day executive responsibility for health and safety.
- Health and Safety Liaison Officer: Coordinates statutory procedures and keeps policy documents current.
- Staff Members: Ensure that health and safety procedures are implemented in their respective areas and report any concerns to the Provision Manager.
- Revolution Learning Staff: Responsible for the general condition of premises and addressing any health and safety hazards.
4. Specific Hazards/Designated Duties
- Fire Precautions: Managed by the Provision Manager, including regular fire drills and emergency protocols.
- First Aid: Maintain an updated list of trained First Aiders and ensure first aid kits are stocked and accessible.
- Accident and Ill Health Reporting: The First Aider ensures all accidents are recorded and reported as necessary.
- Equipment and Electrical Testing: Users are responsible for regular inspections; the Provision Manager handles major repairs or replacements.
- Hazardous Substances: Ensure compliance with COSHH regulations before any hazardous substances are used.
- Visitors: Log all visitor entries and exits as managed by designated volunteers.
- Contractors: Liaise with Luton Borough Council’s Property Services Division or manage directly if commissioned by the provision.
- Visits: Assess risks for each visit, ensuring that first aid provisions and safety instructions are clear.
5. General Procedures
- Induction Training: Provide comprehensive health and safety training for all new staff and volunteers.
- Educational Visits: Follow local authority guidelines to ensure safety during school visits, including detailed action plans and risk assessments.
- Personal Protective Equipment: Follow LEA guidelines to provide and maintain necessary personal protective equipment.
- Medicines: Manage prescription medicines for children strictly under parental guidance and competent supervision.
6. Sources of Further Advice on Health and Safety Matters
- Seek advice from specialized health and safety or occupational health units for matters beyond the provision’s expertise.
Additional Reference
- Revolution RIDDOR Reporting Policy: Refer to this policy for reporting serious accidents and incidents.